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Water Sprinkler - Pascack Valley Landscaping

At Pascack Valley, our maintenance division extends far beyond just weekly mowing. Regardless of the size and current condition of your property, we promise to provide you with the services you need to improve the look and value of your home or business. 


What's better than having a visually appealing, and properly maintained lawn?

  • Weekly Lawn Maintenance

  • Spring & Fall Cleanups

  • Tree & Shrub Trimming

  • Bed Maintenance

  • Sprinkler Maintenance

  • Gutter Cleaning

  • Lawn Repair/Seeding

  • Powerwashing

Pascack Valley Landscaping
Pascack Valley Landscaping

Lets take a minute to talk about a few benefits of having an up-kept property:


1) Affects Your Mood

Your mood is directly linked to the environment around you. In 2013, the University of Maryland conducted a study about the benefits of a properly maintained landscape. The results of this study showed that individuals exposed to a positive landscaped environment had significantly lower blood pressure, reduced muscle tension, and increased attention spans. A beautifully landscaped property will decrease your stress hormones, creating a sense of relaxation.


2) Enhances Security

In the criminology world, the broken windows crime prevention theory was first developed in 1982. In short, this policing model shows that visible signs of minor crimes and disorder will lead to the occurrence of more serious crimes. If the minor disorders were eliminated, the more serious crimes would not occur. Now to relate this concept to your property, the University of Illinois conducted experiments with inner-city neighborhoods. Studies showed that graffiti, littering, vandalism, and violent crimes on properties with up-kept lawns were significantly less than the properties with poorly maintained grass areas. A poorly maintained property will subconsciously tell a criminal

that the person living there is not paying attention and does not care.


3) Increases Property Value

Lastly, a thick green lawn and properly maintained landscape increases the value of your home by approximately 15-20 percent. If you are planning to sell your home, a positive curb appeal will attract more customers, giving you a better chance to sell for the price you want. During those first few moments when someone pulls up in front of your home, their entire mentality of the house can be changed just by what the lawn looks like. Spending a few bucks right now might not be ideal, but the return on investment will significantly outweigh the upfront cost when your home sells quick. See below for a before and after picture. Which house would you rather buy? Call us today!

Pascack Valley Landscaping
Pascack Valley Landscaping
Weed Control
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